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IP属地:四川1楼2020-10-30 12:50回复

    来自Android客户端4楼2020-10-30 15:44

      IP属地:四川5楼2020-10-30 16:43

        7楼2020-10-30 19:43
          I believe that you and I have always observed the introduction prophecy that has not happened. It is not possible to verify the correct and wrong predictions, which is mysterious. But you should know that Daryl Anka and Basha have been in good spirits since 1983 and have been through 37 years Yes, there must have been many predictions before. So have those predictions made before 2020 come true? Let's look at this today.
          The collection of Basha prophecy
          First, I briefly introduce the background of Daryl ANKA. Daryl Anka was born in Ottawa, Canada in 1951, and moved to Los Angeles when he was a child. His cousin is paulanka, a famous singer. But they have no connection. In the early years, Dali Anka was engaged in the design and production of special effects in Hollywood and participated in Star Trek《 The special effects of movies such as pirates of the Caribbean are made. But now Dali Anka is more well known, and it is his alien friend Basha, a high-dimensional alien who will use PayPal account
          Since 1983, Anka has claimed that he can communicate with a high-dimensional alien. This is 37 years. The philosophy of Basha, which is conveyed to people in the process of channeling, is based on the current physics of human beings and has some extension. Then, some words like quantum mechanics and electromagnetic field will be quoted. If only logic is carried out for these contents Analysis, I think it will not change the views of people who have believed in this set of things. It is better to have some objective things to verify the right and wrong content to be presented to you, so that the persuasion will be stronger. So I wonder if Basha can sort out all the pre-statements made by Basha before 2020, so that these predictions can not be verified right and wrong? (since most of the information is not implemented, the original data about prediction has been deleted, but the following prophecy is a fragment that took a lot of time to find, and the information is absolutely reliable)
          Prediction in 2006: nuclear attack
          In the next decade, 98% of the Middle East is likely to have nuclear terrorist attacks. In 2010, Basha renewed its prediction that the probability of nuclear bomb terrorist attacks will be reduced to 75%. This year is 2020. Even if it is calculated in 2010, the next decade will be there? In short, it didn't happen.
          October 2001: witness alien life
          95% of the possibilities will be that in 2005 your world will officially understand alien life, and once again it does not happen.
          January, 2007: UFO witness incident
          In some times of this year (that is, he said in 2007), there will be a UFO sighting event of the same scale as the UFO sightings in Phoenix, which is probably in March, and it never happened again.
          2004: Japan nuclear disaster
          In the next 5-10 years, 70% of Japanese nuclear reactors will have violations. Some friends say this prediction can accurately say that the Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant accident in march2011. In fact, if the size and severity of the accident are not considered, the violation event of nuclear reactor should be an inevitable event. In fact, it is not necessary to predict, but Not to mention in detail here, this prophecy is right, we continue.
          1995: nuclear weapons attacks
          There will be isolated nuclear weapons terrorist attacks in the Middle East or New York. Note that the nuclear weapons terrorist attacks are emphasized here. The 9 / 11 incident does not involve nuclear weapons, so this has not happened.
          1998: the secret of Sphinx
          The secrets in the darkroom below the Sphinx will be uncovered in 2-3 years, that is, by 2001, the Sphinx will be revealed. It's 2020 now, and I still don't know the secret.
          2008: economic collapse in 2013
          According to your current economic structure, you can continue to run for five years, that is, in 2013, the economy will collapse, and it will not happen again.
          2008: the life of the ashani people
          In fact, this is more like a statement, not a prediction. Basha said: "we love shashani people for 300 years, and the time to convert to your earth is 30 years. So in a word, I only have 5 years of your Earth time. So five years later, that is, 2013, I will not be able to send letters to the earth people any more." By the way, Anka, when he first channeled with Basha in 1983, said, "Basha can only send us letters for nine years." After 9 years, it may be that Basha has poor awareness of our earth people. In short, by 2020, it seems that the people who have been preached by letters will be very happy. They will be ready to respond to the demands as soon as they are called.
          The next predictions were made in September 2015. In order to save time, I would not comment and judge correctly or wrongly, because none of them are accurate, we will go through them quickly
          In 2015-2017, especially in autumn 2016, the earth people will know other forms of life, with a probability of 98%
          In 2015-2017, especially in autumn 2016, the economy will collapse with a probability of 75-80%
          There will be historical events in the political system in 2020, with a probability of 88% (according to time, presidential election will be required in 2020)
          In 2016-2025, there will be large-scale alternative energy and the development technology of free energy will be developed. This technology will be mature before 2025, and the occurrence probability is unknown
          In 2016-2019, there will be a devastating terrorist attack with a probability of 98%
          In 2016-2020, nuclear leakage accidents will occur, with a probability of almost 100%

          IP属地:四川8楼2020-10-30 21:12
            In the next few decades,
            Sea levels will rise by 35-40 feet, but by 2050 it will begin to reverse and then enter a small ice age, with an unknown probability
            On or before the fall of 2016, the global economic collapse is about to begin, and this one will start in China or Greece, with a probability of 90%
            If this economic collapse happens, especially in China or Greece, there is a 78% chance that the United States will experience a very serious economic collapse, which will result in the loss of 50% of the current market
            Our current tax system will be completely abolished. The time is unknown. The probability is 78-87%. The probability will be adjusted according to whether the previous predictions are realized
            There will be a large-scale natural disaster in the autumn of 2016, where or what is not clear, with a probability of 57%
            From the end of 2017 to the beginning of 2018, the truth about UFOs and aliens will be disclosed, and the sources of information will be very unexpected and the probability is unknown
            From 2016 to 2020, the Middle East will wake up, and the situation in the Middle East will turn to peace. The probability of occurrence is unknown
            The above is mainly the prophecies of bachia after 2006. I think it will be more shameful if we can sort out all the predictions of the previous decades. But in order to prevent fans of these information from spraying me, I also want to explain well: "these prophecies have changed the history of our earth after being told by bachia, and these things have happened in the parallel universe."
            There are so many predictions. Why just spray Bashia
            Some people say that no matter whether the psychic Bashia is true or not, as long as he teaches people to be good and guides people to be helpful to society, isn't it good? As for what he said, what he predicted would be all over the story. If Darryl and Anka make complaints about the human nature, it is all right to simply do the promotion of human dimensions. The reason why I wrote an article to Tucao is that the bad luck of Anka is not just a few predictions of nonsense.
            Anka once advised people to take or inject DMT, which can help people better communicate with aliens in other dimensions. DMT is a hallucinogen and belongs to the first class of psychotropic substances controlled by the state. In other words, it is a kind of drug. For the suggestion of healthy drinking, he advocates more exercise, more water, and eating healthy organic food It seems good, but it encourages people, no matter how much weight you are, to wash the virus out of the body by eating less and drinking more water.
            Anka's idea of disease treatment is even more infuriating. He encourages people not to use artificial drugs, saying that they should recover through natural ways after they get sick. However, for DMT, he claims that it is a natural drug, not a man-made drug. For physical injuries, such as limb loss, Anka claims that his mental methods can be used, Anka also said that the body pain is the result of resisting the natural self. If you still feel pain, it's that you don't learn his lessons well and don't follow his six health rules. He also claims that by following his six health guidelines, you can eliminate the chance of a human being infected with any disease in his lifetime, including cancer and AIDS AIDS.
            It's really hard to imagine what kind of influence will be exerted on teenagers who have not yet formed a complete world outlook and who have not been able to fully judge right and wrong when they receive such information? Especially after his regimen of health preservation, dimension promotion and density promotion has been brainwashed, the teenagers who believe in him have less judgment on the information provided by him, and more likely to believe his suggestions which can destroy people's life.

            IP属地:四川9楼2020-10-30 21:12

              IP属地:四川10楼2020-10-31 09:06

                IP属地:辽宁来自Android客户端11楼2020-11-02 12:09

                  IP属地:安徽12楼2020-11-02 15:59

                    IP属地:新疆来自Android客户端13楼2020-11-02 23:38
                      预言只要说出来就不灵了 知道为啥没有2012么 因为玛雅人预言了

                      IP属地:山西来自Android客户端15楼2020-11-04 12:30

                        IP属地:四川来自Android客户端16楼2020-11-04 22:41

                          IP属地:四川来自Android客户端17楼2020-11-04 22:45